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by Le0 Mess1
November 22nd, 2024, 5:39 pm
Forum: (AI:Artificial ignorance & NS: Natural Stupidity)> Posts banned (or topics stolen) in ITTF Worship Forums
Topic: Blahness used to be a robotNazi. Now he is a honorary looper Re: Sharing anti-spin Rubber Techniques
Replies: 0
Views: 169

Blahness used to be a robotNazi. Now he is a honorary looper Re: Sharing anti-spin Rubber Techniques

on Sunday November 17, 2024 at 6:06 AM #9 LOL. Are you going to invert your tagline? "Technique is at least 10 times more important than the equipment. " It is hilarious that blahness used to be a robotNazi but now has turned into a Honorary looper by switching to anti on backhand. In fac...
by Le0 Mess1
December 25th, 2023, 3:07 am
Forum: For advanced (and above) tabletennis athletes
Topic: Spin continuum, Spin contrast & Spin Dynamics (sort of...Say NO to weakside short pips)
Replies: 5
Views: 3207

Re: Spin continuum, Spin contrast & Spin Dynamics (sort of...Say NO to weakside short pips)

Most of the problems related to these issues comes from the follwing crucial facts

1. Most players are clueless about the chronology of arrival of various rubbers in table tennis.
2. Manufacturers expolit this by trying to sell anti & shot pips rubbers with marketing gimmicks
by Le0 Mess1
August 1st, 2023, 1:39 am
Forum: (AI:Artificial ignorance & NS: Natural Stupidity)> Posts banned (or topics stolen) in ITTF Worship Forums
Topic: T.T.S.T.A.R posts more anti chopper nonsense with zero research
Replies: 0
Views: 1686

T.T.S.T.A.R posts more anti chopper nonsense with zero research

T.T.S.T.A.R wrote:Apr 24, 2023 #112
And why is it such an inconvenience for choppers to have rubbers of different colours?
First of all do you even fully know the history & background of the two color rule ?

T.T.S.T.A.R wrote:Apr 24, 2023 #112

Or is their another reason that I am missing here?
What do you think ?
by Le0 Mess1
August 1st, 2023, 1:35 am
Forum: (AI:Artificial ignorance & NS: Natural Stupidity)> Posts banned (or topics stolen) in ITTF Worship Forums
Topic: T.T.S.T.A.R insists on boasting about his ignorance of history of table tennis
Replies: 0
Views: 1764

T.T.S.T.A.R insists on boasting about his ignorance of history of table tennis

Apr 24, 2023 #120 I was thinking this might be the case. How unfair these choppers all have to play actually good table tennis shots instead of tricking the opponent. This is simply awfully unfair. Do you or Stuart Marquis (whose post you were responging to) even remotely have any clue about the hi...
by Le0 Mess1
August 1st, 2023, 1:29 am
Forum: (AI:Artificial ignorance & NS: Natural Stupidity)> Posts banned (or topics stolen) in ITTF Worship Forums
Topic: Forums bully DukeGaga
Replies: 0
Views: 1560

Forums bully DukeGaga

Does anyone know why posters like DukeGaga are allowed in tabletennis forums ?
Almost every post he makes in TTDaily is accusing posters of being trolls whenevr he sees some post that he does not like
by Le0 Mess1
January 17th, 2023, 2:15 am
Forum: Oceania
Topic: Greg Letts blunders on his video
Replies: 1
Views: 1613

Re: Greg Letts blunders on his video

Greg has good understanding of long pips but way back from his he has demonstrated extreme loyalty & worship of ITTF & refuses to acknowledge the level of corruption in ITTF. I hate to stereotype one whole country or countries but the mentality of thinking from places like especial...
by Le0 Mess1
July 6th, 2022, 3:26 pm
Forum: For advanced (and above) tabletennis athletes
Topic: Coaching malpractice
Replies: 2
Views: 1032

Re: Coaching malpractice

Coaching a student allowing to use whatever racket (blade & rubber) they are using when they first join the program. Caoching is totally useless if the student is using wrong blade & rubbers that are totally incompatible with a student's playing style, which are usually very different on the...

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