Tony's Table Tennis, stop your coaching malpractice NOW. It must end TODAY

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Tony's Table Tennis, stop your coaching malpractice NOW. It must end TODAY

Post by Katana »

Tony's Table Tennis wrote: Thursday, July 20, 2023 #117

I will try add some merit into content, since I am reporting with what I see out there.
Taiwanese elementary school girl players using long pips is killing the sport.
No, absolutely NOT.
Slim pips (deceptively referred to as long pips by ITTF. Click here for details ) are the right backhand rubber for children

You have been brainwashed by the ITTF into believing that dumb rackets are the right rackets for children.
Read the webpage above to deprogram yourself
Also click to open webpage below as to why inverted backhand is unnatural

Your weakside and strongside in racket sports as it relates to table tennis
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Re: Tony's Table Tennis, stop your coaching malpractice NOW. It must end TODAY

Post by ShortPipper »

In all fairness to Tony's Table Tennis & other coaches, almost none of them are aware of the modern developments in neuro science research as applied to table tennis.
These coaches may not be aware of the fact that
1. Table tennis is considered the best sport for brain development of children
2. Dumb rackets however are probably the worst for childred as involves least thinking for brain simulation if the primary emphasis of training is robotic looping. Other major problem is also the fact that most children (or adults for that matter) do not have the talent to have a backhand loop, though the robotNazi[/b] controlled ITTF somehow brainwashed everyone into believing that a dumb racket is a "normal" racket, though in fact the dumb racket is the abnormal racket in table tennis
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