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Looking for love in all the wrong places Re: Question for all you spinny short pips users

Posted: June 7th, 2024, 10:49 am
by Marla6
AllenCorn wrote: on Wednesday 05 June 2024, 15:33
Any wisdom from the group?
LOL You are looking for love in all the wrong places.
Do you seriously think posters in ITTF worship forums have the experience or openmind to give good advice ?
AllenCorn wrote: on Wednesday 05 June 2024, 15:33
How much does sponge thickness affect spin and speed for spinny short pips? I have been using Spinfire 2.1 on one side and 1.9 on the other, and I am not sure I can tell the difference. The 2.1 might be a tad spinnier, but not 100% sure, and it doesn't seem to make a practical difference in my game.
Unless you are professional player I doubt a difference of 0.2 mm makes that much difference. In fact at this closer to hugh thickness, I wonder if would make much difference even for a pro player.

Re: Looking for love in all the wrong places Re: Question for all you spinny short pips users

Posted: June 7th, 2024, 11:20 am
by Loop Power
Dear AllenCorn,

Your biggest problem is not his rubber thickness but it is using the wrong racket.

Your huge problem is your using a dumb racket
Click highlighted link in blue above to understand what smart rackets & dumb rackest are

Quite possibly, short pips both sides is one of the worst dumb racket for an amateur.

Your using short pips on your forehand is noy a porblem. But the huge problem is your using the same rubber type (short pips) on the backhand.
While short pips is theoretically the best forehand rubber, it is the absolute worst backhand rubber.
Click on this link to read details as to why

Re: Looking for love in all the wrong places Re: Question for all you spinny short pips users

Posted: June 7th, 2024, 12:14 pm
by Carbonator
AllenCorn needs to understand the most important concepts
of Spin Contrast & Spin Continuum

That would explain why he should not be using a dumb racket

Click here to read more detail on this

Re: Looking for love in all the wrong places Re: Question for all you spinny short pips users

Posted: June 7th, 2024, 12:20 pm
by Lexie J
Unfortunately I am afraid all posts above falls on deaf ears
I make comments based on AllenCorn's repeated postings in the past with obsession about hardbat & his belief that hardbat can translate to spong era.
He is still living his Johnny Huang fantasy probably