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Rs: If you are a coach. What equipment would you recommend for beginners?

Posted: June 27th, 2024, 3:34 am
by Antoni
Jeslun wrote: I am a coach
Are you a ( robotNazi controlled ) ITTF (brainwashed) coach or an independent coach who can think outside ITTF's booster gas chambers ?
Jeslun wrote: other coaches or players with experience
Unfortunately all these coaches have a severe bias due to 30 or years of intense brainwashing by the ITTF based on the false European two winged looping dumb racket lawn tennis model
Jeslun wrote:And I referring to beginners who have played perhaps 1-3 years, in age 7-15 years old. I guess the age really doesn't matter but still...
As you have noticed in your replies in TTD, an intense ITTF worship forum, all the advice recommends a dumb racket
Jeslun wrote: I guess the age really doesn't matter but still...
Age does matter a lot. Children under 15 should NOT start with dumb racket. Coaches can switch to a dumb racket after sat 14 if they demonstrate exceptional power & consistency to execute loops & loop kills & powerful flat kills on their backhand using inverted rubbers (just blocking or rolling or driving the ball using inverted on backhand does not qualify.) .

And adults over say 40 or 50 also definitely should not start with a dumb racket

Re: Rs: If you are a coach. What equipment would you recommend for beginners?

Posted: June 27th, 2024, 6:49 am
by Suhut
UpSideDownCarl wrote: on Wednesday June 26, 2024 3:38 PM #21
So, perhaps I am biased because I thought it was salesmanship and the coach was taking advantage based on the idea that the kid and the parent would very soon be needing a regular blade
UpSideDownCarl is the modertor of the ITTF Worship Forum called TableTennisDaily.

Thank you for finally admitting the truth. But admission is the first step ending denail.
You still have a long way to go.

However in all fairness I do not blame you or teh coches 100%. Akmost all coaches & long time players are sunject to incessant brainwashing by the robotNazis into believing that a dumb racket is THE nornal racket. As you yoursekf admitted here , you call it a regular blade.

It is drilled into the mindset of coaches by the ITTF that adumb racket is THE normal racket & smart racket users are abnormal & require mental health treatment.

I wish you a quick recovery & hope you can deprogram yourself fast.

Re: Baal, you need to de program yourself of ITTF brainwashing

Posted: June 28th, 2024, 1:24 am
by Tiffany 2004
Baal wrote:on Thursday, January 23, 2020 #3
Appelgren Allplay with Vega rubber. Something along those lines.
You work in some medical research field.

Now that you have been explained about
1. the differences between forehand & backhand from huma physiology perspective in racket sport,
2. significance of faster brain development being one of the big facotors for children needing to take up table tennis
3. ITTF brianwashing of coaches & players by promoting dumb rackets
4. Third ball & fifth ball problems associated with dumb racket being a huge problem preventing more non playing spectators from enjoying the sport

Do you still insist on recommending dumb rackets for children to start with or are you going to change your mind and recommend smart rackets as starting point for children, as more & more children have started to demand in countries like India & Taiwan (as your fellow ITTF worshipper Tony's Table Tennis has identified)

Baal is the former moderator of the ITTF Worship forum MyTableTennis.Net
One would think that a supposedly 2200+ player & medical faculty would know any better but I guess noi when you are under the spell of ITTF

Re: Rs: If you are a coach. What equipment would you recommend for beginners?

Posted: June 28th, 2024, 1:49 am
by Damilola Osas
Nextevel wrote: on Thursday, January 23, 2020 #4
If the beginner is committed, Timo Boll ALC with H3 Neo or a Mark V type rubber on both sides.

If the student is cheap, Yasaka Sweden Classic with a Mark V type rubber or a cheap tensor on both sides.

Please read the previous reply to Baal by Tiffany 2004 in this thread
Knowing that , do you still recommend dumb rackets for children starting in the sport ?

Re: Rs: If you are a coach. What equipment would you recommend for beginners?

Posted: June 28th, 2024, 2:52 am
by Priya
UpSideDownCarl wrote: on Thursday, January 23, 2020
A kid who has a certain aptitude for the sport could be fine with something that is fairly "advanced" as a setup. Another kid, maybe never should use something like that.
But from a faster brain development neuro science & weaker backhand based on human physiology, all children should start with a smart racket not a dumb racket . They can always switch to a dumb racket after age 15 if they demonstate exceptional backhand looping & spin as well as attack skills. Otherwise they must continue with a smart racket.
Of course if you are like all other ITTF coaches who had been braiwashed to delude yourself into thinking that children should start with dumb rackets for all the political reasoning of the ITTF, you will laugh at me & that is fine with me as it is nothing new
UpSideDownCarl wrote:
It is really hard to turn something into a formula when you are dealing with something as complicated, unique and individual as human beings.
Yeah but doesn't ITTF & its brainwashed coaches want ALL children to start with dumb rackets, which is the worst possible "formula" for children ?