What are the best & worst rubber types for your backhand

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Dhuruv 3
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What are the best & worst rubber types for your backhand

Post by Dhuruv 3 »

I was wondering what are the best 7 worst rubber types for my backhand
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Martin 24
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Re: What are the best & worst rubber types for your backhand

Post by Martin 24 »

First of all the backhand is usually the weakside for almost all humans in tabletennis or any racket sport .
It is almost very similar to being lefthanded or righthanded (More humans are righthanded than not though not as much as almost all humans have backhand as their wekside) .

That said & with some rare exceptions which always exsist, the absolute worst rubber for you backhand is short pips with sponge or hardbat(no sponge).

Yes this is a universal principle (again with few arare exceptions)

The second worst rubber for your backhand is anti.

The absolute best rubber for your backhand is high aspect ratio super long pips.

The second & third best (or third & fourth worst) rubbers for your backhand can be medium pimples or spinny inverted. It is kind of a toss up

BTW, ALL the (low aspect ratio) long pips listed on ITTF LARC are 200% useless pieces of crap. Just burn them
Last edited by Martin 24 on March 3rd, 2023, 2:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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James Z
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Re: What are the best & worst rubber types for your backhand

Post by James Z »

Martin 24 wrote: March 3rd, 2023, 9:29 am First of all the backhand is usually the weakside for almost all humans in tabletennis or any racket sport .
It is almost very similar to being lefthanded or righthanded (More humans are righthanded than not though not as much as almost all humans have backhand as their wekside) .

That said & with some rare exceptions which always exsist, the absolute worst rubber for you backhand is short pips.
Yes this is a universal principle (again with few arare exceptions)

The second worst rubber for your backhand is anti.

The absolute best rubber for your backhand is high aspect ratio super long pips.
The second best rubbers for your backhand can be medium pimples or spinny inverted. It is kind of a toss up

BTW, ALL the (low aspect ratio) long pips listed on ITTF LARC are 200% useless pieces of crap. Just burn them
I TOTALLY agree.
Short pimples & anti have almost zero use as functional backhand rubbers & are just social rubbers used by honorrary loopers who are terrified of robotNazis
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