Should I dump table tennis for pickleball ( or hardbat or sandpaper or TTX )?

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Should I dump table tennis for pickleball ( or hardbat or sandpaper or TTX )?

Post by Lamar J »

I am over 60 years old. Should I dump table tennis for pickleball ( or hardbat or sandpaper or TTX )?
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Fan Pickle
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Re: Should I dump table tennis for pickleball ( or hardbat or sandpaper or TTX )?

Post by Fan Pickle »

Tabletennis is one of the most complex individual sport there is (if not the most complex)
Some people say this is bad & other say it is not bad. I won't explore this issue for now in detail here
Tabletennis is that complex REALLY ? Why & how ?
Because the design of the high technology rackets using space age materials for rubbers & blades is very complicated.
Added on top that are complex spins generated using these rackets & the need to solve them
And yes the spins are more complex than any other racket sport more because of the speed of the sport.
And since tabletennis is played in a maller areas generally than badminton and of course tennis, this translates into being the fastest.
Add another layer on top of this > the vastly diverse playing styles due to backhand style being possibly very different from their forehand style for most players.
And if you get older, your reflexes & foot speed & thinking skills slow down as a natural process & this will effect you more than in other racket sport because of the sheer speed of delivery of complex spins of tabletennis. But you can also adapt much better than other racket sport if you can design the right racket for your style & aging assuming your are not intimidated and bullied by robotNazis who consider you a social outcast simply because you are not using a racket that is convenient for them to play against & this want to impose their style on you.
So to summarize yes , you must dump tabletennis for pickleball if,
1. You never enjoyed generating and solving complex spins of tabletennis (robotNazis do enjoy generating spins but only topspins but they absolutely hate those who can generate backspins or other complex spins especially if you are older)
2. You do not want to adapt for aging
3. You are intimidated by those who do not like your racket design
Pickleball is the only option because by design of rackets , balls etc , it limits to spin so that anyone can quickly pick up the sport literally in a day.
Pickleball is a superior brilliant design for attracting older players but more younger players who do not like complex spins or the size of a tennis court. Yes basement ping pong is the easiest racket sport that you can learn to play in a few minutes but mastering athletic tabletennis is an entirely different story.
Because of the sheer speed of the sport, hardbat, sandpaper & TTX also may be too fast for you if you had struggled with tabletennis. And spins can still be quite overwhelming in hardbat or sandpaper because of the speed. Tabletennis on the other hand does allow you to design you design your rackets to be able to compete with younger players but younger players resent this to the max. So if you are intimidated by this then yes, you should dump tabletennis for pickleball.
If you use a racket that matches your playing style & age in tabletennis
1. RobotNazis who use spinny smooth rubber will hate you
2. Honorary loopers who use short pips or anti will not be comfortable with you because you are not social by using anti or short pips just to fit in (I am not including the real talented short pips hitters here)
Pickleball is also a more friendly crowd from a social perspective. But because of various issues discussed above (of using rackets to match your playing style & age being considered anti-social behavior) 90% of tabletennis players just cannot be trusted at a social level especially given that ITTF had chosen not to implement any diversity education & sensitivity training programs (because the ITTF itself 90% robotNazis……so it is like asking a fox to guard the henhouse). So from a social perspective again, pickelball is superior, all the more so because pickleball can be played both indoors and outdoors.
On the flipside, if you grew up being trained in tabletennis generating & solving powerful spins , you may not enjoy pickleball even if you are unable to generate spins or move as fast when you were younger.
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