Pips / anti players : Will you ever wake up ?

Highly technical & extremely controversial topics. Not for the faint of heart
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James Z
Posts: 84
Joined: August 31st, 2022, 7:44 pm
Country: Germany
City & State: Rottweil
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Playing Style: Modern Defender (Loop & chop)
Grip: jPen (Chinese Penhold) TPG (Traditional Penhold)

Pips / anti players : Will you ever wake up ?

Post by James Z »

Some questions for pips / anti players

Do you honestly & seriously believe
1. majority of TT players (& the booster supremacists who control the ITTF) want pips / anti rubbers allowed in TT ?
2. the long pips on current ITTF LARC are useful in the 40+ plastic ball ONLY era
3. booster supremacists who control ITTF make rule / regulation changes to promote diversity & mainitan a level playing field & maximize spectator presentation ?
4. the booster supremacists consider you to be athletically their equal ?
5. ITTF & its afiliates (or should be) are the sole supreme authority for table tennis ?
6. the REAL reason why ITTF has not banned pips & anti is because they genuinely believe in diversity & (live & let live) ?
7. that the booster supremacists do not act nice to your face but are not masterful backstabbers working at the same time behind the scenes to make more changes to further limit capabilities of pips / anti, since the 8 changes since 1983 is not enough ?

Do you realize there are probably about 500 booster cheats (illegal under common law) for every pips treat cheat (which is only ITTF unapproved but not illegal under common law) & yet all you hear about is only about pips treat cheats as if they are the ones who are enaging in criminal acts & ITTF also aggressively enforces viisual racket inspection with near zero token chemical inspection of rackets ? (This question is not meant to imply or endorse that pips treating is ok. It is NOT especially if you are doing this using booster cheating as an excuse)
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