How to buy Indonesian high aspect ratio super long pips Re: Longest long pips

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Iveta Armine
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How to buy Indonesian high aspect ratio super long pips Re: Longest long pips

Post by Iveta Armine »

TTnightmare wrote: on Tuesday, October 24,2023, 06:47 AM
I’d like to buy both those rubbers but although I can get to the site it won’t accept my UK address or allow me to play. Any suggestions on how I can get hold of them
Before I porceed , let me make something clear.
I was under the impression that Indonesian super pips were NOT treated pips but I am beginning to hear they may be treated.
I am against treated pips not only because it violates ITTF Rule 2.4.7 but more so because Two Wrongs don't make it a right.
Click here to read more on this.

So there may be soe treated pips & some not but if you want to buy them you can contact the company listed on Webpage at Shopee website

The company name is VANKHIIS SPORT & they seem to sell most of these long pips.
Their WhatsApp number is +62 878-4831-1995

I used Google Translate to translate what they were saying in their language & what I was saying in English.

I did not order because they wanted a lot for shipping. The price was like US $3 or $4 for ech rubber but shipping was like US $50

I am using Magic 77 now which is an untreated High Aspect Ratio Super Long pips from China, This is a chopping type al round rubber & I can also hit well & block well with it.
Here is the link on Ali Express
Pevita Dinda
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Re: How to buy Indonesian high aspect ratio super long pips Re: Longest long pips

Post by Pevita Dinda »

If you are looking for blocking long pips you can also try the following stores at Ali Express

Click links below
Avalox Mo
Reach C801

Make sure you do not buy other treated pips on Ali Express such as those soacked in kerosen oil or soemthing
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Re: How to buy Indonesian high aspect ratio super long pips Re: Longest long pips

Post by Yasmina »

I read in OOAK forum that all Indonesian super pips are treated and actually drip chemicals.
I am not sure how true it is or whetehr this is a disinformation campiagn by ITTF
But if true then I definitely recommend against buying Indonesian super pips.
I am against treated pips .
I realize robotNazis break common law * ITTF Rule 2.47 by using dangerous & unhealthy spoosters & spin glues but that is pathetic to use treated pips as a solution to the problem.

For now you can but Chinsese super pips such as Magic 77 , Mo Avalox , Globe Mo Wang iii, Reach C-801 etc, which are readily available on Ali Express. These are not treated pips
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