Re:Butterfly blade for short pips

Most discussion forums (especially table tennis) are full of posters asking the wrong question based on totally false premises or lack of knowledge about the issue at hand etc. This sub-forum is dedicated to identifying such questions & useless & usually hilarious answers in various tableetnnis forums & also shows what the right answer should have been
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Loop out
Posts: 1
Joined: November 20th, 2022, 10:16 pm
Country: New Zealand
City & State: Christchurch
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Playing Style: Chop blocker
Grip: Shakehand

Re:Butterfly blade for short pips

Post by Loop out »

el gato wrote: on Monday November 27 12:51 PM #1
I play short pips on my backhand (victas 102). I want to buy a new blade from butterfly. Can you suggest me blade with limba outer ply?
You are using the wrong rubber on your backhand.
Short pips, while theoretically is the best forehand rubebr, is the absolute worst backhand rubber especially for an amateur.
Click here to read why

You also need to understand the following two concepts
Social rubbers versus functional rubbers in table tennis
Spin continuum, spin contrast and spin dynamics

Super long pips is best & only functionally useful backhand rubber in the 40+ palstic ball ONLY era.
Only exception is medium pips which can be used as a transition point from other rubbers towards supe long pips
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