Here is why USATT Ranking System may be fake

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Luv Loop
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Here is why USATT Ranking System may be fake

Post by Luv Loop »

Take a look at this excel webpage for men's rankings
It is a sampling from actual USATT rankings page showing 490 + players

The leftmost column shows ranking based on current ratings
The second column shows ranking based on new ranking system.
You will also see cuurent USATT ratings & a player's highest ever rating.

The ranking system IMO is a complete waste of time. The rankings as I understand it are based on just your wins only & not losses and also within a certain group of players.
To me it seems like a participation award system & a pretentious fake
If I am not mistaken, the more you participate, the higher will be your ranking LOL

I can understand rewarding players for participation but yoru ranking will drop if you do not participate for a while
Looks like this ranking system may be copied from ITTF Rankings.
It may make a little more sense for Pro players but does not make sense when you are talking about mostly amateur players.
I know a player's rating may drop when they are 20 or 30 years older but it would be weird to take their rating points away (I am not saying the USATT rating system is going that but ranking system does but that comes out strange sometimes. XU Xin came in at ranking of #80 simply because he has not played for a while m when he was still active on ITTF rankings. Of course CTTA kicked him out along with Ma Long in 2021 LOL when neither were selected to come to Houston WITTC & Ma Long was not given an opportunity to defend his titile & no player in sponge era has won 4 WITTC titiles (Sorry this is a side story I am rambling on)

If you look at the Excel webpage above the players in yellow rows have rakings much lower than they would have based on current ratings & the players in red rows have rakings much lower than they would have based on current ratings

Take Dan Seemiller for example
72 145 9870 Seemiller Daniel R. 5 2324 2613 (WR #18)
His rating based on curreent rating of 2613 is #72 but his ranking based on new system is #145.
He was like #18 in the world in his prime & of course #1 in uS Rankings for a long time

To me it would be more than sufficient if you show a player's current rating as long as their highest ever ratings is also shown.
Last edited by Luv Loop on April 30th, 2024, 3:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Here is why USATT Ranking System may be fake

Post by Murat »

Luv Loop
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Re: Here is why USATT Ranking System may be fake

Post by Luv Loop »

USATT Ranking system weighting as proposed.jpg[/attachment]Here is what USATT proposed for weighting I think
USATT Ranking system weighting as proposed.jpg
USATT Ranking system weighting as proposed.jpg (113.14 KiB) Viewed 448 times
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Re: Here is why USATT Ranking System may be fake

Post by Chicagoan »

Complete waste of time.
They already have the highest ever rating for a player.
All they need to do is show that in larger font with current rating in brackets is small font
Ranking may make little sense for ITTF . Even that I am not so sure.
Read somewhere on some forum that rating based rankings may be better even for ITTF.
But in the case of national associations like USATT , it is definitely seems like a fake
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