Bard Romance trolling in the "Q for twiddler" thread

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Ryan W
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Bard Romance trolling in the "Q for twiddler" thread

Post by Ryan W »

Bard romance wrote :- Funny how you got your answer from Twiddler already which is who you made this thread for, and it's the one answer you chose not to reply to.
Ryan W :- No I was just responding to LightSpin who wrote
In table tennis "talent" is a myth” for profusely kissing upto twiddler LOL OMG

Twiddler did not say talent was a myth
Twiddler said
1. Do they want to learn.
2. D they have the hops with their feet.
3. Talent is overrated. Hard work can surpass talent with passion.
4. Is there anything unique about them? Style, Physical, smart, innovative etc......

My interpretation of what twiddler said is context to other 3 statements he made along with them. As I see it Twiddler is referencing to any player at a giver rating level whether it is 1100 or 2000 or 2500 or 2900. I don’t think twiddler meant to say that he can turn a 1100 player with limited talent (or even a 2000 player with a little higher talent) into a 2500 player.
If twiddler claims that I would say it is pure nonsense as well & it is not meant to insult twiddler because any 2 people who may be even friends or spouses have to agree on every little thing.

My interpretation is that you Bard romance are just hell bent on insulating me by calling me a troll just because I disagree with you.
To be very clear, I don's think LightSpin meant to insult me (just was blinldy kissing upto twidler) but you Bard romance expressly meant to insult me & belittle me & ridicule me & talk down to me.

I have no talent & I even challenged you, Bard romance to coach me to become a 2500 player since you, Bard romance claim to be well over 2000 yourself. And I have to wonder how many 2500 players you, Bard romance have coached yourself, but you, Bard romance never answered my question

Moreover as I see it , items 2 & 4 in twiddler's comments are components that define a talented player & it is pure nonsense if twiddler or anyone else with common sense (of course not including you, bard romance & LightSpin a player without hops in their feet & not having anything uniqw about them can just have only item 3 & still be a 2500 player.

BTW let me also ask you bard romance this > I am sure though twiddler has manufactured a few 2500 or close players including I think the youngest US Olympian Mark Hazinski. Then what happened to rest of his students ? Why did they not break 2500 ? Or what % of them broke 2500 or even 2000 ? Since according to you, bard romance & LightSpin, talent does not matter anyway. I am not saying this to insult twiddler as a coach because I am very sure twiddler has created tons of players who lived upto their full potential & talent though they may not all be even 2000
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Re: Bard Romance trolling in the "Q for twiddler" thread

Post by Edvania »

Bard romance , are you seriously claiming that any talent limited player can break 2500 or even 2000 ?

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Re: Bard Romance trolling in the "Q for twiddler" thread

Post by twiddler »

I have coached Mark Hazinski, Joe Cochran and AJ Brewer. Mark was up to 2700 at one time and AJ and Joe 2450.
My son made it to 2300.Each one of their levels was determined by their hard work and their coaching and their TT environment.
Yes there is some truth to some players being more talented but that doesn't get you to the top. I've been there.
Ryan W
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Re: Bard Romance trolling in the "Q for twiddler" thread

Post by Ryan W »

twiddler wrote: November 19th, 2024, 10:32 pm I have coached Mark Hazinski, Joe Cochran and AJ Brewer. Mark was up to 2700 at one time and AJ and Joe 2450.
My son made it to 2300.Each one of their levels was determined by their hard work and their coaching and their TT environment.
Yes there is some truth to some players being more talented but that doesn't get you to the top. I've been there.
What I meant to say was that a player will NEVER reach the top just with hardwork ONLY.
They need to have minimum talent to start with.
You can work hard all you want but you are not going to even reach an advanced level let alone pro level , unless you have some minimum talent.
This is not just table tennis but any sport.

Yes there also had been some incrdibly talented athletes in every sport but never reached even the pro level becuse they were lazy or their attitude or had other mental issues or their environment.
But that does not guarantte that every less talented player can reach the top just with hard work.

There were so many players who also worked as hard as you & best coaching and environment & financial resorces etc when you were in your prime . But IMO you separated yourself from all others on the American scene because you were just little more talented overall than the rest (until Eric came along).
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Re: Bard Romance trolling in the "Q for twiddler" thread

Post by Ryan W »

twiddler wrote: November 19th, 2024, 10:32 pm I have coached Mark Hazinski, Joe Cochran and AJ Brewer. Mark was up to 2700 at one time and AJ and Joe 2450.
My son made it to 2300.
Yes it is hard to say which one is more amazing, your playing resume or coaching resume based on above players.
There is no doubt your son would not have reached 2300 without some gentics just like Ricky or Randy.
Similar to the case of your own coach Dell Sweeris and Connie Sweeris & Todd Sweeris

But still question would remain. How many other 100s of players have you coached in your lifetime ?
If talent was not important , at least half of them should have reached like 2400 or so so with your obviously superior coaching.
But hhey did not because they were just less talented than these abobe players you named. Nothing wrong with that & I am not putiing down others as long as they enjoyed the sport otherwise. But it is what it is. Just saying
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