It is hilarious that blahness used to be a robotNazi but now has turned into a Honorary looper by switching to anti on backhand.PhoenixTT wrote: on Sunday November 17, 2024 at 6:06 AM #9
LOL. Are you going to invert your tagline? "Technique is at least 10 times more important than the equipment. "
In fact he even used to brag that he was backhand dominant LOL
Blahness still does not seem to understand the correlation between equipment between equipment & technique in table tennisblahness wrote: on Sunday November 17, 2024 at 6:06 AM #10
LOL hahaha well.... i would say even in anti, I think technique matters a lot. But for me my inverted BH technique is actually better and more precise than my FH so adjusting to anti was not too bad.
You need to find the proper equipment that suits your playing style first and it is usually different for most humans
You then try to perfect & fine tune your technique for that specific rubbers
Blahness was initially using spinny inverted on his backhand but it was not his backhand rubber to start with.
He failed & switched to anti. It still is not the right rubber for his backhand because anti is the second worst backhand rubber after wide pips.
He should be using OX long pips or slim pips (if he wants to remain an ITTF slave) & then try to perfect his technique for this rubber.
But honorary loopers are embarrassed about using long pips because they are afraid of offending the slave masters, the robotNazis .
This is what makes them honorary loopers .
I sincerely hope that blahness will cure himself from ITTF brainwashng as soon as possible & switch to OX long pips on his backhand