LordPippington error about LI XIa Nian rubbers

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Ramesh 87
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LordPippington error about LI XIa Nian rubbers

Post by Ramesh 87 »

LordPippington wrote: on Wednesday December 17, 2024 at 4:30 PM #1
I'm looking to study players using long pips to attack, preferably with penhols grip.
I see ni xia lian uses curl p1 ox... and doesn't ever seem to play passively! She swats and swats and swats...
That is TSP Curl P1r NOT TSP Curl P1
The difference between the above two rubbers has enormous hitorical significance. So be VERY careful before you casually call one as the other
Last edited by Ramesh 87 on December 19th, 2024, 9:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
Bad Basher
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Re: LordPippington error about LI XIa Nian rubbers

Post by Bad Basher »

LordPippington wrote: on Wednesday December 17, 2024 at 4:30 PM #1
I'm looking to study players using long pips to attack, preferably with penhols grip.
I see ni xia lian uses curl p1 ox.. and doesn't ever seem to play passively! She swats and swats and swats...
It seems to be easier for penhold players to use any pips.

BTW , Li Xia Nian uses slim pips on forehand for everything except serves
She uses wide pips (Victas VO>102) to serve & then immediately twiddles back to slim pips (TSP Curl Pi1 OX)
I am not sure if this is the stule she played when she was mush younger while playing for China
She probably used wide pips more to attack, I do not know.

On the othe rhand it seems to me that Zhou Xintong mostly chop nlocks using slim pips but then she uses wide pips
to attack

I have never seen or head of a shaekehand forehand slim pips OX player whetehr chopping or attacking or even blocking
For obvious reason that it is harder with shakehand
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