DHS Mix Real Long Pips rubber Re:Bizarre..

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DHS Mix Real Long Pips rubber Re:Bizarre..

Post by Seungjun »

iskandar taib wrote: on 10 August 2016 at 13:12
DHS Mix Rubber
I've seen "no-ITTF" rubbers from the like of Reach, and once in a while you'll find non-ITTF stuff (e.g. Yung "mushroom pips", old Hallmark rubbers, etc.) for sale on Eacheng.. but from DHS???? Makes me want to get a sheet.. :lol:
If anything is Bizarre, that would be you

I noticed that pip length is more than 2.05 mm
I say it on even TableTennis11 website

I am not sure why it was dropped
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Re: DHS Mix Real Long Pips rubber Re:Bizarre..

Post by Football 73 »

I do not how true this is but I have reperatedly heard that ITTF strong arms manufacturers not to make any long pips rubbers but only make rubbers that meet their specifications to be on ITTF LARC.
I heard ITTF gives a hard time to manufacturers by playing games with approving rubbers for the LARC first time or for repproval
I heard this actually borders legaluzed harassment but highly unethical bullying
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