pgpg You need to get a clue Re: List of “long” pips choppers

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pgpg You need to get a clue Re: List of “long” pips choppers

Post by Lowri »

pgpg wrote:I'm not actually sure what the point of OP's post is (yeah, most likely ---- fellow...) - that defensive styles were more feasible in the old days? If so, I have a suspicion ball size and material (perhaps mostly size, but it's what, 5% difference at most... ) has something to do with that. Not really LPs itself, since choppers don't necessarily care about friction/aspect size/length, no? Blockers *might* (most likely) be another story...
Do you even understand how various pip design patameters effect choppers & block defenders ?
I suggest yor research into that especially the histor of the sport first, before making a complete fool of yourselves with nonsensical posts like this
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