Why is TTD Moderator USDC (Carl) obsessed with user equipment for new user registration ?

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Why is TTD Moderator USDC (Carl) obsessed with user equipment for new user registration ?

Post by Betsy »

TTD moderator Carl has this weird obsession with player's equipment details .
He wants all new posters to pst exact details of rubbers and blades they use.
This is a mandatory field for registering at TTD forum.
That is comical because of the hypocrisy.
Because once a member joins it seems they can change it to all crazy stuff or even join with such useless data.
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Re: Why is TTD Moderator USDC (Carl) obsessed with user equipment for registration ?

Post by Play Pong »

Betsy wrote: January 14th, 2025, 11:50 pm TTD moderator Carl has this weird obsession with player's equipment details .
He wants all new posters to pst exact details of rubbers and blades they use.
This is a mandatory field for registering at TTD forum.
That is comical because of the hypocrisy.
Because once a member joins it seems they can change it to all crazy stuff or even join with such useless data.

Take a look at the posting handle for the new TTD Village idiot & super bully Kase who wants to replace Tony's Table Tennis etc

He uses Red & Black as his rubber brand & product names
And for Blade it says Swann Morton >m which seems to be the name of a medical device manufacturer

The crazy this is that TTD insists on some silly nonsense like this (user blade & rubber etc) & keeps demanding post their personal details & pictures, while clowns like Kase continue to bully posters just because they are critical of ITTF / WTT.

More than half the accounts on forums like TTD, OOAK, MyTT are fake accounts and most of them are from well lnown but infamous bullies & ITTF moles , yet Carl starts to harass some new poster just because they misspelled a blade name
Take a look at the posting handle for the new TTD Village idiot & super bully Kase who wants to replace Tony's Table Tennis etc

He uses Red & Black as his rubber brand & product names
And for Blade it says Swann Morton >m which seems to be the name of a medical device manufacturer

The crazy this is that TTD insists on some silly nonsense like this (user blade & rubber etc) & keeps demanding post their personal details & pictures, while clowns like Kase continue to bully posters just because they are critical of ITTF / WTT.

More than half the accounts on forums like TTD, OOAK, MyTT are fake accounts and most of them are from well lnown but infamous bullies & ITTF moles , yet Carl starts to harass some new poster just because they misspelled a blade name
kase TTD clown.jpg
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