How manufacturers & dealers lie (by omission), mostly to newbie players

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Joined: August 12th, 2022, 12:56 am
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How manufacturers & dealers lie (by omission), mostly to newbie players

Post by Lowri »

How manufacturers lie by omission
1. You have to first know whether a rubber is spinny inverted or anti inverted or slim pips or wide pips or medium pips or actual long pips or whether it is ITTF approved or ITTF de-approved or ITTF unapproved
2. You will rarely find the width and length of blades or rubbers in data sheets. Almost all Chinese inverted rubbers seem to be designed for attacking style players and come in small sizes. If Chinese want to cut costs they should at least make rubbers available in two sizes & it is ok if they charge a little more for rubbers similar to Butterfly or Tibhar etc in large sizes
3. If you read rubber descriptions, every rubber is God’s gift any style amateur player. It is like you can loop with long pips or anti or you can chop with spinny inverted or wide pips etc. And every long pips rubber is thoroughly confusing with maximum disruption as well having amazing chopping, blocking & attack capabilities.
4. I only use ITTF unapproved actual long pips rubbers. So I don’t really care. But many dealers rip off unsuspecting newbies by selling the, unapproved or de-approved rubbers. Newbies buy rubbers and go to an ITTF tournament only to find out their rubber is ITTF unapproved or ITTF de-approved (years ago) . This happens almost always to pips or anti rubbers LOL
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