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Is TableTennis going to adopt figure-skating / gymnastics type scoring system ?

Posted: July 9th, 2022, 12:56 am
by Jo Tsai
I heard some rumors that ITTF president Petra Sorling is proposing that tabletennis adopt a figure-skating & gymnastics type scoring system.
Is this true ?

Re: Is TableTennis going to adopt figure-skating / gymnastics type scoring system ?

Posted: July 9th, 2022, 1:18 am
by Magdelana Anderson
This may be true because I hard that Petra Sorling may be sick of the fact that the 7 rule / regulation changes in the past 30 years to severely limit the capabilities of spin(e)less cowards & honorary loopers is just not working & she feels more changes may be needed to protect the interests of the robotNazis who rule the tabletennis world.

In this new scoring system I think robotNazis can either

1. Start each match with a 3 point handicap
2. they will get 1.5 points for each point that they win compared to just 1 point that a spin(e)less coward & honorary looper opponent wins

If you are wondering why ITTF can't just get rid of spin(e)less cowards & honorary loopers by simply banning all anti & pips instead, please read the following topic in this forum
Why doesn't ITTF ban all pips & anti ?