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Why is Butterfly Feint Long 3 such a piece of garbage ?

Posted: June 24th, 2022, 11:09 am
All my uncles used to use Feint Long 1 in the 38 mm ball era & I am told it was used by 99.9% of all top choppers before ITTF banned it in 1998

So I though I will try Feint Long 3 . Oh My God what a piece of garbage it is. Iget no back spin at all.

How could a rubber go from being the best to worst ? Just curious

Re: Why is Butterfly Feint Long 3 such a piece of garbage ?

Posted: July 2nd, 2022, 3:05 am
by Vome Rianeins
Feint Long 3 is a piece of garbage mostly because Butterfly does not care about choppers. From strcictly business standpoint it may make sense (since ITTF has successfully & systematically exterminated all choppers on male side & the marketshare is so much smaller) but from an ethical standpoint what Butterfly doin is reprehensible