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Medium Pimple Classification > Anti-Social or Social rubber ?

Posted: February 5th, 2023, 3:03 am
by Loboid
I was wondering if the


controlled ITTF is going to reclassify rubbers.

I heard Anti Spin will be given the status 2 level since after all it is inverted & will be given the social rubbers status
Short Pips will also be given Level 3 status & also be awarded the social rubber status only because it is from the hardbat era & do not pose as big a nuisance as long pips

Of course we all know that long pips is Level 4 & cleaerly has the status as Anti Social Rubbers for obvious reasons.

But I think ITTF is struggling as to whether to classify Medium Pips as a social rubbers or an anti-social rubber

What is your opinion ?