Don't act stupid. Don't give away practice to a robotNazi free of charge

Highly technical & extremely controversial topics. Not for the faint of heart
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Don't act stupid. Don't give away practice to a robotNazi free of charge

Post by Ladro »

Ok there are two types of robotNazis
1. This type of roboTNazi is not a big issue. These are the players who TOTALLY hate spineless cowards and honorary loopers & they just won't play you anyway if you use any kind of pips or anti at all. These are the types who will beg you to warm with them at tournaments using your pips a little longer & when they get slaughtered because they have avoided practicing against pips / anti during club practice sessions

2. The poblem type are the backstabber type robotNazis. These types of robotNazis will pretend like they love you & yoru style & rubbers & go to extreme length to explain how they love diversity in tabletennis & how they TOTALLY playing against pips & anti. While at the same time they are talking to the ITTF top dogs and scheming how they can implement more rules (as regualtions of course) to further limit pips anti (as they have done with 8 changes since 1983).

So if you use pips / anti the best thing to do is practice only against other pips anti players. You can practice everything you need to. If you need to practice against heavy loops, youcan always find a pips / anti backhand player who uses spinny iverted on their forehand. There is no need to waste your time against robotNazis who believe you are sub human.

Because of health & age I no longer play matches against anyone period. So if I need to test my (high aspect ratio super long ) pips against some robotNazis, i give them the minimum amount of time to measure the looper torture index & that is it. Then I excuse myself. In fact I don't waste my time even with most spineless cowards and honorary loopers

If you are a chopper, you can actually make money charging robotNazis for your services. In any given club it is generally hard to find choppers. But if you giving away your servies like free like a cheap ho , the robotNazis will of course mercilessly use you and expolit you becuse as far as they are concerend you a 4th class citizen

For more information also click on thread below
How much to charge a robotNazi
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