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Warning :- All long pips listed on ITTF's LARC are 200% useless for defenders

Posted: March 14th, 2023, 2:30 am
by Bobi Idi
Every single long pips listed on ITTF's LARC are 200% useless for defenders in the 40+ ball era
Why ?

To answer this you need to understand the ITTF's philosophy & objectives in dealing with (long) pips & anti

ITTF could very easily ban all pips & anti since robotNazis are overwhelming majority in all councils & committees of the ITTF.
ITTF could easliy turn tabletennis into hardbat or sandpaper or TTX or pickleball ifthey want
But ITTF keeps making false propoganda about diversity.
Why ? Because ITTf does not want the long pips & anti players (who are slowly increasing in numbersc among the older player, to the utter dismay of robotNazis) to start their own association , just like the robotNazis themselves threatened to do in 1995 to get the speed glue ban repealed in a matter of months.

Yet. all you see in ITTF worship forums are pathetic discussions about what long pips (listed on ITTF LARC) give most back spin for chopeprs or best blocking rubbers (anti or long pips) for close to the table defenders.
Wht these clueless don'trealize is the fact that rubbers like Feint Long 3 & Tibhar Grass Dtec are pure garbage in the 40+ plastic ball ONLY era due to the 8 rule and regulation changes since 1983 to severely limit the capabilities of pips and anti rather than ban them completely

Re: Warning :- All long pips listed on ITTF's LARC are 200% useless for defenders

Posted: March 14th, 2023, 2:56 am
by F Sido
Most of us are beginning to understand this ITTF strategy now but what can we do though ?
If we want to play in an ITTF approved event we need to use the rcakets they allow us.
We have no choice