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Isn't an AR (Aspect ratio) 1.5 is a fair value for a level playing field ?

Posted: March 14th, 2023, 6:17 am
by Hannii Punnagai Poo
If you want to have at least somewhat close to a fair & level playing field, wouldn't an AR (Aspect Ratio) of 1.5 make sense ?
It is not like defenders are asking for reduction of total rubber thickness from 4 mm to 3.5 mm and truly enforce ban on boosting & speed-gluing ?

Re: Isn't an AR (Aspect ratio) 1.5 is a fair value for a level playing field ?

Posted: March 14th, 2023, 6:29 am
by Petra
ITTF cannot do that though they clearly know that would reduce third & fifth ball attacks and make the rallies a little longer for betetr spectator interest.

Because ITTF has fiduciary responsibility & interests of the majority & the robotNazis have the highest priority & ITTF had workde so hard since 1983 to protect the intesrest of robotNazis with 8 rule and regulation changes to severely limit the capabilities of pips & anti players, since ITTF cannot reallyban all pips & anti for financial, political & monopolistic controllability of the sport reasons

ITTF just cannot turn the clock back now.