Re:Android app to measure vibrations/pitch frequency -Butterfly Blade Matrix

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Jamsid Bin
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Re:Android app to measure vibrations/pitch frequency -Butterfly Blade Matrix

Post by Jamsid Bin »

jonyer1980 wrote:Hi, i´ve tried to search it using the browser but couldn´t find it. Someone posted some time ago a database of his blades sharing his thoughts about speed using an app to measure the sound/pitch of the ball hitting it with the bare blade. Althought that wasn´t a perfect method it was indeed a better approach than what catalogues tell us about their blade. I would like to cooperate with than project, but don´t remember the name of that app to make the measurements of my blades.
Sergei at SDC Handmade blades in Portugal may know more.
If you look at his threads, he quotes a frequency for most of his blades.
Please look at this thread below at MyTT
SDC Handmade Blades
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Re: Re:Android app to measure vibrations/pitch frequency -Butterfly Blade Matrix

Post by Zinedine »

Hello Jonyer1980,
Your MyTT avatar indicares you may dislike Butterfly, unless it is a joke.
Butterfly has webpage for blade specificationa. It has a graph on this
Below is the link
Butterfly Chart
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Zoran P
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Re:Re:Android app to measure vibrations/pitch frequency -Butterfly Blade Matrix

Post by Zoran P »

At SDC Blades website there is a section about frequency.

Click here for SDC Blade webpage about frequency
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