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A (inverted) rubber is like nuclear energy

Posted: April 1st, 2023, 12:37 am
by Inverted OX
All table tennis rubbers are like this but a spinny inverted rubber is the most like harnessing & using the nuclear energy.
A spinny inverted rubber can be the most versatile & most powerful rubber in the hands of the right player who knows how to loop , chop , block, lob , push etc. & has perfect stroke selection for each return. It is like using nuclear energy for peaceful purpose such as to generate electric power or in medical uses for radiation to treat cancer etc.
But in the hands of a wrong player who uses it (just because they idolize some pro & think they can play just like him or her just effectively) it is a total disaster. If a person is boosting it is illegal under common laws as well as not approved under Rule 2.4.7 of ITTF and endangers not only the player who is abusing the rubber but worse it endangers other players, spectators etc. Most players who abuse inverted rubber don't understand (or they do but do it anyway) but just keep claiming that it is their personal business if they abuse their own health & not ITTF or IOC's business.
This is like using the nuclear energy for dangerous purposes.
Another very important factor is that most players who use spinny inverted rubber have no idea why they are using it. They just do it because they have been brainwashed by seasoned robotNazis into thinking that they should use spinny inverted rubber just because most pros use it & therefore they can be equally successful using it. The biggest problem with this is that since more players than not are using spinny inverted rubbers, more players also know how to play against spinny inverted rubbers lot more than against other rubbers.
This problem is the worst for players who enter the sport later in life. While children should always first start with a spinny inverted racket only, it is probably the opposite for most older players. If a player is old enough that learning to loop is not possible for example due to health limitations, it is really stupid to use spinny inverted just because everyone else is seemingly using it & just because everyone else says so & seems so cool to use an expensive racket supposedly similar to what your favorite pro using (while in fact the pro is most likely not using the exact same blade or rubber you are using though the brand may be same but they are most likely using a highly customized version of your lesser quality rubber / blade LOL)

This is why it is important to choose age appropriate rubbers that match your own playing style (not your favorite can still worship your pro & still use a different type rubber........don't worry I assure you the pro won't be offended) & not just because your seemingly freiendly robotNazi says you should only uses spinny inverted rubbers.

This is also true to any other rubber as well but is the most valid as related to spinny inverted rubbers because it is most used by more players tahn not. The second most abused rubber is using short pips on your weakside (usually backhand). Short pips for example, while is theoretially the best rubber for a player's strong side (usually forehand) if you know & are talented enough to be able to use it , it is also the absolute worst rubber (for all rubber types) for your weakside & the ONLY suitable rubber for your weakside in the 40+ plastic ball ONLY era, is high aspect ratio super long pips (either close to the table blocking type or away from the table chopping type or all around type). Medium pips or anti may work for some playersbut this is a rare exception. But the absolute worst & no no is using any low aspect ratio low length long pips listed on ITTF LARC