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Stuart Maquis now claims to be an expert on high aspect ratio super long pips

Posted: June 21st, 2023, 2:28 am
by Lucille
On Jun 5, 2023 Stuart Maquis puked in TTDaily in a reply to Jslick89
Jslick89 said:
Adam Barbrow just did an episode where he faced a club full of members in Bali. Looked like a handful of them had this super high aspect pip ratio rubbers. He still beat all of them lol.
Stuart Maquis replied
I saw that episode. The rubbers looked like great fun to play with in an informal/social setting. Totally useless for formal competitions, though, as they aren't authorised by ITTF.

So by just looking a video about a group of rubbers you have never played with or knowing about the diferent types of high aspect ratio super long pips or their design specifications, you have concluded that they are Totally useless for formal competitions
That is trully brilliant Mr. Stuart Marquis