SofaChamp demands that posters do not talk about 1200 level blockers

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Davis Myarker
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SofaChamp demands that posters do not talk about 1200 level blockers

Post by Davis Myarker »

The following post was made in TTDaily but was deleted.
However the replies to the post were left in tact mkaing it it sound like De Echte was the OP (original poster( and not James z
There are scores of posts in ITTF forums that the moderators have done the same.
Delte the OP but leave just the replies in tact
Below is the OP (Original Post) by James Z that was deleted.
Ha Ha Shut the hell up

This is one of the complaints used by spooster supremacist to force rule changes by ITTF to limit pips / anti players.

But the interesting point of this is this > These two old geezers are not playing to entertain your highnesses. They are playing for their own enjoyment .

On the other hand pros are supposed to entertain the spectators, But what do they do ?
That is right , they try to third ball as much as possible to end the point.
Of course all male choppers have been exterminated though the probability of an exciting match happening for spectators is much much much higher when a male looper faces a make chopper. (I am NOT saying there are zero exciting matches between two spooster supremacists but all I am saying is that probability of that happening is lower). And yes there are few isolated exciting points between two spooster supremacists in every pro match so don't twist my words.
Also I am not talking about the forum posters who are worshipping their favorite spooster supremacist. I am talking about mostly non player spectators that ITTF is supposedly attract to the sport by lengthening the rallies

Even at lower levels when a chopper faces a looper it is far more interesting to watch compared to horrible third ball comedy of attempted third ball attacks & lots o misses than winners by two 1200 loopers (I am using the term loosely ............very loosely & I am being too kind)

Few days ago someone made post about how to improve third ball play. I gace a piece of my mind.
Of course my post was deleted but all other spooster supremacists discussing on how to improve third ball was left in tact. LOL
Talk about hypocrisy
Time to start your vicious personal attacks now. Enjoy


TTD poster Der Echte replied to this post as below but was left in tact making it sound as if Der Echte was the original poster
I have entered the Geezer age range, so I can freely talk about Geezers.

Yes, whether it is two LP BH Geezers going at it or two inverted ones, usually the match is difficult to watch.

One side has endless bumping of the ball with the BH chicken wing deluxe, one side has attacking error after attacking error.

Break out ur popcorn chicken folks.

Still, the crowd mentioned does not play to entertain people, they are playing and competing in the manner they like, so good on the Geezers.

In most clubs, if the Geezers do not sign up for membership and lessons, you do not have a club... particularly in countries like Korea.

Let Geezers play and play a lot.

TTD Poster Sofa Champ replied to the OP (James Z) as follows
Stop your bull strawmen arguments. Having imagined dialogues with opinions no one is stating anywhere just to force your opinion on the Internet is tiring to read.

In future, please just list what you are annoyed about in clear, short sentences.

TTD Poster James Z replied to TTD poster SofaChamp as below but that was deleted
However TTD Poster SofaChamp's post was NOT delted but left in tact
In the 35 years I have been on various internet forums , I have seem thousands of complaints against two low level long pips or anti blockers as the sorry excuse given by spooster supremacists for the 9 rule & regulation changes since 1982.
The problem with internet (forums) is that newbies come & start abusing s poster who has been in the sport & various for a long time but these newbies have no clue about the history of the sport

The other usual complaint is about treated pips. They talk as if billions of pips treating cheats have invaded the earth from other galaxies, while the simple fcat remains the there are probably between 300 to 500 spooster cheats for every pips treat cheat (this is simply due the fact that there are lot more two winged loopers in the sport than any other reason). But since there are lot more spooster supremacists complaining but no terrified pips / anti players dare to speak up, all the iTTF hears is as to how many pips treat cheats there are. The spooster supremacists have used to this sorry excuse ( TSP P1 Curl) to pass change after change ever since then ( 7 changes) by putting relentless pressure on the ITTF to make change after change
Let us assume noone has & is talking about this EVER. Does that mean I should not bring it up ? REALLY
In future, please just list what you are annoyed about in clear, short sentences.
Certain amount of explanation is warranted to minimize the flamefest based on personal hatred for a specific poster like me & my agenda. Yes my intent is to educate & wake up the pips / anti players about the atrocities and the corruption in the spooster supremacist controlled ITTF to start a huge race war & glueshed

TTD poster & Spam King NextLevel replied to OP James Z as below( but since James Z's posting was deleted, it sounds as Spam King NextLevel was responding to DerEchte and not james z)
I sent a French co-worker a video of Felix Lebrun. She said that she was happy for France but she had absolutely no clue what was going on and the action was too fast for her to follow.

Sometimes, we forget how subjective the beauty of sports is.
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