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Right and wrong ways for pips / anti players to fight ITTF corruption & oppression

Posted: July 31st, 2023, 11:08 am
by James Z
In 2000 when I chose to fight ITTF corruption I entered a USATT tournament at University of Maryland. Rev. Larry Hodges’ thugs openly threatened me on internet forum telling me not to come. Just to be safe, I notified the University of Maryland Police weeks ahead & they did send an officer to keep the peace. (Of course Rev. Hodges’ version of these events is completely different and he kept claiming as if he called the police first because I was going cause trouble. The only way y to verify who is telling the truth is check the posts & the order of posts on the internet forum & check who emailed University of Police first (if any) & who did not.

Anyway I could have just played using Feint Long Classic without showing anyone & got away with it. But I asked the front desk for permission as to whether I can use Feint Long Classic and they refused. So I defaulted all my matches & left.

Why I bring this up is to highlight the difference between the right & wrong ways of handling ITTF oppression. To be very clear I am very much against treating pips & anti because two wrongs don’t make it a right. Just because e spooster & spin glue cheats violate Rule 2.4.7 & also violate common law to further enhance an already overwhelming advantage (with near 0% chemical testing at lower levels) , it no way justifies pips / anti players cheating using treated pips. To me it is a cowards way out.

This is also why I strongly oppose pips such as those soaked in kerosene or pip tops panted with epoxy or modifying anti rubbers in many ways etc. I know only a small % players cheat on the pips / anti side but a much larger % of players cheat on the spin glue / booster side. But what gets blown out of proportion is only how the pips / anti players cheat because since the booster & spin glue cheats are simply an overwhelming majority their complaints are much louder & the spooster supremacist controlled ITTF obviously hears only complaints about pips / anti cheats. This is how the whole thing started with punishing the innocent (Feint Long Classic choppers) & rewarding the guilty (spin glue cheats) by banning TSP Curl P1 with the 1998 Aspect Ratio Reduction Regulation Massacre.

The right way of fighting the ITTF oppression is to use ONLY untreated but functional super pips (instead of the useless social pips on ITTF LARC) & challenge the ITTF at every turn. But make sure the umpire & the opponent know that you will be using functional super pips. If enough players at all levels make a peaceful protest at all levels it would interesting to see what happens (which I doubt will happen because pips /anti players are so terrified of social rejection from spooster supremacists) . It would be interesting to see even a single pro player like Ruwen Filus or Gionis Panagiotis did this repeatedly and refused permission to use super pips.

But I see none of this happening because as I said many times before some pips / anti players are afraid of social rejection. Other pips / anti players absolutely have no clue about the agenda of how ITTF manages their clever ongoing oppression of pips / anti players why the long pips on ITTF LARC have just become social rubbers & are absolutely useless in the 40+ plastic ball ONLY era.

However ever since 1998, I have discovered who my REAL friends are in table tennis. If you are a pips / anti player you will also very quickly find out who your real friends are in table tennis if you try to use super pips with umpire / opponent permission in a tournament or a league or even club practice sessions. (while they enjoy their spoosters & spin glues)
Or you can continue to be in your denial state deluding that the spooster supremacist controlled ITTF knows what is good for you & continue using social & dysfunctional rubbers on ITTF LARC, instead of moving on to super pips that are functional in the 40+ plastic ball ONLY era