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Tony's TableTennis does not understand short pips & spin continuum

Posted: August 1st, 2023, 2:34 am
by Cedfren 88
Tony's TableTennis wrote: on May 10, 2023 #9
For lower level, service return spin variation and control is an advantage for SP BH players.
So I suggest you can also think about your strategy from service return too, to open up opportunities.
This is TOTALLY incorrect
Short pips is absolute worst rubber for low level amateurs.
If you had understood the concept of Spin Continuum you would have understood that short pips has the least spin variation since it sits in the dead center of the spin continuum.
Tony's you need to educate yourself by reading the webpage below to understand why short pips is the absolute worst weakside (backhand) rubber for an amateur

Click here to read why short pips is the worst weakside rubber

Re: Tony's TableTennis short pips is for spin oriented play

Posted: August 1st, 2023, 2:46 am
by Kahikatea
Tony's TableTennis wrote: on May 8, 2023 #4
SP on BH is to either use spin to trick your opponent or to use it as with speed.
Speed is obviously for more advance players and something you can aim for.
For spin, you can mix it up with light spin, no spin etc and creating opportunity for the ball to pop up and kill with your FH
Wrong again (as usual) What else is new
Of all rubber type short pips has the laest to do with spin contrast or spin variation because it is the least spin oriented rubber. Short pips, even the new fake neo short pips are just flat hitting rubbers only suitable for forehand attackers.

Re: Tony's TableTennis need to learn about basics of rubber types

Posted: August 1st, 2023, 2:49 am
by Charlee Kiesha
Kahikatea & Cedfren 88 are both absolutely correct & Tony's TableTennis has a long way to go about learning about various rubber type.
For the weakside (usually backhand for most humans) , even medium pips or LARC long pips are better
But the best & only weksaide rubber is super pips. All other rubbers are just social rubbers on the wekside