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Rev.Larry Hodges, please stop confusing children with your hardbat / sandpaper nonsense

Posted: August 1st, 2023, 6:04 am
by Loop 888
When the 1998 Durban Aspect Ratio Reduction Regulation was passed, you & Carl Danner went ape wild claiming how you support it & it going to save the billions of children of this planet from the evils of Feint Long Classic.

But yet you continue promoting hardbat & sandpapaer nonssense which only confuses children ? Why ? Why ? Why ?

Hardbat was great when it lasted. But it had been 71 yeras since sponge was introduced.. Isn't it time to move on already for God's sake ?

Re: Rev.Larry Hodges : Go play pickleball or TTX & leave (sponge) table tennis alone

Posted: August 1st, 2023, 6:17 am
by Jon 8923
First of all let me say this . Pickleball is a great invention. And it has helped lot of older folks get excited about exercise thru racket sport.
Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

But let us look at some facts. Pickeleball is NOT designed based partially on modern sponge tabletennis. It is based on hardbat & sandpaper tabletennis.
Pickleball by design removed all the complexities of spins (at highest speeds) played in a smaller area requiring the highest of reflexes & foot speed. .

But modern sponge tabletennis is far from hardbat and sponge tabletennis first & foremost is a sport of obscence spins at insane speed.
This pin is a drug for serious tabletennis addicts. Spin at high speeds is the most distinguishing element of tabletennis compared to other racket sport.

TTX was the most insanely pathetic attempt by the previous ITTF President to try to turn tabletennis into pickleball.
And the president before him also royally screwed tabletennis by increasing the ball size (& material) TWICE & swore to keep going.

So Rev.LArry Hodges, please move over to pickleball or TTX & stop raping tabletennis over& over.
Stop confusing the children.