AllenCorn wonders why spinverted rubbers should be the standard

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AllenCorn wonders why spinverted rubbers should be the standard

Post by karnest »

AllenCorn wrote: on Sunday August 07 6:22 AM #18
Why must the "standard" always be spinny inverted?
Because majority of tabletennis players are two winged loopers & an overwhelming majority of them are robotNazis to varying degrees.
Majority rules in any civilized democracy soes it not ?

All the councils & committees of ITTF (& its national affiliates such as USATT, TTAustralia etc) are controlled by robotNazis
And ITTF would love entirely ban all pips & anti. But they cannot because
1. Pips / anti players will form their own association (like the robotNazis threatened to do in 1995 to get the ITTF's spin glue ban repealed within months.........Rev. Larry Hodges spearheaded this effort in USA). This would mean dilution and loss of control of the sport by ITTF
3. ITTF will lose all its funding from IOC. And IOC may even expel table tennis from Olympics & replace it with pole dancing

This is why ITTF is playing it smart.....very smart. By keeping the pips / anti players under their control, they can pass all the rule & regulation changes to severely limit the capabilities of pips / anti players.
some of the pips / anti players are clueless about this fact. Other know this but are afraid to speak up against ITTF for fear of retaliation by robotNazis. Other pips / anti players fall for the ITTF's disinformation propaganda & believe that robotNazis love diversity & care about pips / anti players & this is so hilarious but also sad. These pips / players trult beieeve that the robotNazi controlled ITTF knows what is good for pips players & the sport. many of these pips / anti players have no clue about the 9 rule and regulation changes by the ITTF since 1983 to limit anti but mostly pips.
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