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Poster T.T.S.T.A.R is finally getting the picture of ITTF corruption

Posted: August 12th, 2023, 2:09 am
by Glasgow TT
t.t.s.t.a.r wrote:Jun 27, 2023 #55
I do agree with you there is a distinct lack of male choppers in the top ranked players, I looked through them when looking for the matches Tony was referring to, I barely saw any choppers.
You are correct with your statements about those games Tony mentioned, none of them are truly shocking wins at all to be completely honest.
Tony's Table Tennis is wrong again ? Shicking LOL

t.t.s.t.a.r wrote:Jun 27, 2023 #55
I never meant by posting about those matches that that is "proof" of a level playing field with choppers involved.
In fact I still believe that it is far from it, it is impossible to be able to get much spin with these pips, the best chopper in my club demolished me in a game 3-0 and is in the top 100 in the country but one our best players who is a two winged looper could just loop back all the chops no problem, I would love to see him try some pips that would put some real spin on the ball.
Nice to see that you are finally getting a full picture of the rampant ITTF corruption to limit choppers & defenders with the 9 rule and regulation changes since 1983