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Most acrobatic athlete in table tennis

Posted: August 14th, 2023, 2:46 pm
by James Z
JJ Ng wrote: Jun 13, 2023 #17
If you don't know who Koji Matsushita is, you should YouTube him. Most acrobatic chopper of all time.
I thought Koji Matsushita was more of a regular chopper nothing flashy. Of course very high rated

Chen Xinhua is generally considered the most acrobatic & entertaining tabletennis athlete of all time.
I think both Chen Xinhua & Li Gunsang were in the top 10 at onetime.
And Matsushita, Shibutani & Syed were top 20 or 30
This may have been the golden age of choppers . Of course before ITTF promptly stepped in and passed the Durabn 1998 Aspect Ratio Reduction Massacre which banned Feint Long Clasic , which was used by every single named chopper above & many othe rtop choppers male & female

But I heard Kalinikos Kreanga was an ex gymnast