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Unapproved (equipment) versus illegal (processes) in table tennis

Posted: August 18th, 2023, 2:35 am
by chop this
Pips players , don't be stupid and get brainwashed by robotNazis , who repeatedly call pips rubbers that are not on ITTF LARC as illegal.
But the simple fact of the matter is that all rubbers that are not ITTF LARC are NOT "illegal" , they are just "unapproved".
There is a clear distinction here. When you break the rules of table tennis such as not serving properly, that can be referred to as "illegal" in the context of ITTF rules only .
But if you are using a table that is not ITTF approved list of tables that does not make you as someone engaging in an illegal act. You are just using "unapproved" equipment.
Same goes for rubbers but with one huge exception .
If you are using a rubber, any rubber (but mostly spinverted rubbers in 99% of the cases) that has the process of spin gluing or boosting applied to it , that makes the rubber "illegal" under the eyes of common law and mostly also a criminal act. Why ? That is because ITTF Rule 2.4.7 exists to prevent this illegal act (of boosting & spin gluing) because it is a serious health hazard in the first place.

The primary reason why spin gluing & boosting is illegal is health (this is not according to me but according to ITTF as starting with the reasons for the original blue ban & its quick repeal to keep their jobs in 1995.
Gaining unethical performance advantage is only a secondary reason

So stop using the word "illegal" in the context any long pips rubber not listed on current ITTF LARC, treated or not. In the context of rubbers , the word illegal is strictly reserved for spin gluing & boosting. Of course robotNazis want you to use the word "illegal" for any pips not on LARC because the robotNazis know they are the only ones who are engaging in illegal acts by spin gluing or boosting & they want you to drag you down into the gutter they live in. Don't fall into that trap. I know it is easy to fall for that trap because there are other rule violations such as illegal serves, but pips players must make a conscious effort to distinguish between illegal acts & just using unapproved rubbers.