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Looking for a Dr.Neubauer incarnation​

Posted: August 27th, 2023, 11:03 am
by James Z
Looking for a German manufacturer or distributor who is not a sissy and can do to the ITTF what Dr.Neubauer did to the ITTF after the 1998 Durban Aspect Ratio Reduction Massacre

If you want to make a lot of money contaminating the German & European market by selling super pips that are functional in the 40+ plastic ball ONLY world (and not the ITTF LARC dysfunctional social pips) , this is your opportunity.

You can manufcature your own or you can have Chinese . Korean & Indonesian manufacturerers produce them for you & just rebrand them for the European market.

Re: Looking for a Dr.Neubauer incarnation​

Posted: August 27th, 2023, 11:04 am
by James Z
The market is wide open & ripe for the picking. ITTF has raped the pips players for more than 10 years now & stable super pips that won't fall apart after few hours (like many European social pips on ITTF LARC) are becoming increasingly available.
Lot of blocking type super pips are already available from Korea, China & Indonesia .
None are available for choppers but you have them made . Check for my posting called " Magic 77 on steroids " which describes design specifications for super pips needed for choppers .

Don't miss the boat before someone else grabs this wide open European market.

I said German distributor because generally Germans are little more open minded (though not enough like Chinese & Indonesians) than contries like England who are probaly stuck up abot ITTF rules . So it could be any European country. But of course I do not expect a country like Sweden or France to take a lead on this. LOL