Speedy Sp that plays like inverted with decent spin

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James Z
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Speedy Sp that plays like inverted with decent spin

Post by James Z »

charmander defender wrote: on 17 Jul 2021, 21:45
I wonder how many current speedy sps can play like inverted with decent spin.Reasons? against Lp it is the best weapon for defenders IMO.This is one of the reasons why some people choose a sp, lp combo
You choose a racket design mostly because what is the best style for you. Not because of what your opponents use.

That said I agree with you that sp/lp is theoretically the best but frictionless Short pips / High Aspect Ratio Super Long pips is the best combination but very few player can use Short pips on forehand

I looked at the reply to your post and all answers were right answers to the wrong question.They propose using SP with maximum spin and not with maximum speed . Because the over all racket design must be to maximize spin contrast between two ribbers used. Of course a very spinny inverted and a shigh aspect ratio super long pips give the maximum spin contrast but if you have to use short pips instead of inverted, then the best choise is a speed oreiented frictionless short pips an dnot a spinny short pips because the best spinny short pips still sit in the center of spin continuum .

And yes frictionless short pips attack would be deadly against long pips defenders.

I have played twice against many times USA champion penhold attacker David Zhuang, when he was using Butterfly Resilon , a frictionless short pips.
This was during 38 mm ball era. I heard he was a schoolmate of Jiang Ji Liang. Of course he is much higher than me but it was ridiculous that my extermely heavy chops using Feint Long Classic meant nothing to him. He would open with a spinny loop & just kill my heavy chop mercilessly no matter what. Even then I felt lucky I even got clos eto 10 points though I think he could beat me under 5 (in a 21 point game). It was almost the same when I played against another pips out hitter Gao Jun , a penhodler former Women World #3

But there are a very few frictionless short pips available I think
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Re: Speedy Sp that plays like inverted with decent spin

Post by Sorna »

Remember that as far as weakside pips (& back spin & versatility & overall effectiveness) goes
chickens (short pips) can fly a little, doves (medium pips) can fly a little higher and bar-headed geese (LARC long pips) can fly much higher but Ruppell’s vulture (High Aspect Ratio Super Long Pips) can soar the highest
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