Why are Tony's TableTennis & Der_Echte holding grudges against players who have no voice ?

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Connor F
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Why are Tony's TableTennis & Der_Echte holding grudges against players who have no voice ?

Post by Connor F »

Tony's Table Tennis wrote: on Aug 16, 2023 #4
LGL was heavily negatively influenced by ITTF rule changes.
That possibly took away more wins for him and also shorten his career.
The intent of the or results of the Pip Density Regulation of 2004 has nothing to do with LGL (Liu Guo Liang)
Yes the 2004 PDD did reduce the top spin production capability of his forehand but gave more speed.
The spin contrast between his inverted backhand & short pips forehand actually increased and it was an advantage if any for LGL
The real reason for 2004 PDD reduction was to further limit the back spin capabilities of choppers
Tony's Table Tennis wrote: on Aug 16, 2023 #4
He never hold a 30 year grudge, like someone who is now banned on TTD.
Der_Echte wrote: on Aug 4, 2023 #5
I am frequently fighting for the oppressed, often the LP users rights to use defensive style material. What ITTF did to pips users would make a reasonable person projectile vomit. I can see why James Z got pissed off, but he carrying the grudge going on hiz 4th decade.
But it is Ok for the robotNazi controlled ITTF to hold a 40 year grudge against choppers and keep on passing rule & regulation changes after another like with the 9 Rule and regulation changes since 1983 by the ITTF ? REALLY

What does LGL have anything to do with this ? He was at the end of his career anyway. He did not really care because he got to become National coach & now ITTF VP. So stop posting nonsense.
Ther is no logical correlation between what LGL did with short pips and what ITTF is doing with choppers. But then again only someone like you will keep posting illogical nonsense because you hold a grudge against James Z LOL
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