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NextLevel & Baal hiding behind a posting handle

Posted: September 8th, 2023, 3:20 am
by Damilola Osas
NextLevel wrote: on Thursday September 07 at 6:12 AM #70
Trolling under anonymity is a hazard on the internet
Talk about hypocrisy.
You & Baal etc are forum moderators but won't post under your real names

Re: NextLevel & Baal hiding behind a posting handle

Posted: September 8th, 2023, 3:24 am
by Tamashiro
Damilola Osas wrote: September 8th, 2023, 3:20 am
NextLevel wrote: on Thursday September 07 at 6:12 AM #70
Trolling under anonymity is a hazard on the internet
Talk about hypocrisy.
You & Baal etc are forum moderators but won't post under your real names
Of course it is Ok for NextLevel & Baal to attack & call eevryone trolls hiding
It is easy for anyone to hide behind a posting handle like you & Baal & attack everyone in another forum
Wow that is so mature & brave :shock: :lol: :x

Re: NextLevel & Baal hiding behind a posting handle

Posted: September 8th, 2023, 3:57 pm
by Robert 777
As moderators, NextLevel & Baal would just delete & ban any poster whenever they d not agree with them calling them trolls.
No wonder hardly anyone posts in forum anymore