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Pips Players - Is the ITTF corruption & oppression that hard to understand ?

Posted: September 10th, 2023, 3:49 am
by Saraj
OMG pips players , is it really that hard to understand the ITTF corruption & why ?

1. ITTF is controlled by spin glue & spooster addicted robotNazis
2. Pips players have no say in ITTF
3. The long pips on ITTF LARC are completely useless in the 40+ plastic ball ONLY era because the ability produce backspin has been significantly reduced over & over wiith 9 rule and regulation changes since 1983
4. There had been 9 rule and regulation changes since 1983 that are fully or partially aimed at exterminating the choppers & this goal has been achieved by the ITTF on male chopper side
5. RobotNazi loopers will NEVER give up illegal spin glues & spoosters to maintain a tilted playing field even without spoosting and spin gluing but at the same time keep complaining about the relatively very small number of pips treating cheats to force ITTF for more rule & regulation changes
6. You pips players can continue to be honorary loopers or spineless cowards to kiss up to robotNazis desperately seeking their approval but robotNazis are very good at pretending like they care about you & love diversity but are experts at sticking together & backstabbing you endlessly by demanding more rule & regulation changes by the ITTF.

Will you pips players ever wake up to the truth ? OMG

Re: Pips Players - Is the ITTF corruption & oppression that hard to understand ?

Posted: September 10th, 2023, 4:22 am
by Yogadhyakshay
I agree but it is very difficult for even an advanced pips players to understand the subtle but political aspect of historical & technical developments in the ongoing oppression choppers & other defenders

Re: Pips Players - Is the ITTF corruption that hard to understand ?

Posted: September 10th, 2023, 9:03 am
by Drew Symond
I read the following somewhere in many forums

Remember that as far as weakside pips (& back spin & versatility& overall effectiveness) goes
chickens (short pips) can fly a little, doves (medium pips) can fly a little higher and bar-headed geese (LARC long pips) can fly much higher but Ruppell’s vulture (High Aspect Ratio Super Long Pips) can soar the highest

Re: Pips Players - Is the ITTF corruption & oppression that hard to understand ?

Posted: September 10th, 2023, 4:15 pm
by Vandenbussche
I know back spin is not the ONLY variable that a chopper needs to excel. But just like a robotNazi who tries to maximize both speed & spin using illegal spin glues & spoosters, a chopper at least needs decent back spin but had been repeatedly taken away over & over with the 9 rule and regulations changes since 1983 . And now in 2023 after 40 years of relentless oppression by the robotNazi controlled ITTF, in the 40+ plastic ball ONLY era, backspin is a complete joke