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Think outside the (ITTF) box

Posted: September 12th, 2023, 7:44 am
by Kip Don
You need not use ITTF approved rubbers on their LARC .
You can use rubbers that were de-approved by ITTF for political reasona or for business reasons (that has nothing to do with amateur players)
You can also use rubbers that are not approved on the ITTF LARC.
In fact if you use long pips rubbers you are much better off using rubbers not on ITTF LARC.
The long pips rubbers listed on ITTF LARC are funtionally pure garbage (and also probably very expensive) . But ITTF does not want you to know this, because the ITTF is controlled by robotNazis (as they are the majority among tabletnnis population).
The robotNazis insist on using rubbers rendered illegal under the common law by using spoosters & spin glues to maximize their top spin at maximum speeds but they want choppers (& blockers) to have any back spin.

Re: Think outside the (ITTF) box

Posted: September 12th, 2023, 10:14 am
by Saraj
Also there is no such thing an ITTF approved blade.
You can use your own custom made blade even in ITTF events.