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Dr. Neubauer Blades : Good ........... Rubbers: Bad

Posted: August 11th, 2022, 1:47 am
by Lord of the Lob
I like Dr. Neubauer blades though most are expensive ones. I like the fact that they make the most two sided blades fro combination players.
Dr. Neubauer baldes are defintely better than blades from mainstram manufacturers like Butterfly, Stiga , Joola etc, whic seemed to be designed for the pro players but they know amateur groupies will buy them anyway

But I do not like Dr. Neubauer rubbers at all especially on long pips / anti side. They are way too expensive, At least anti is not bad because they will probably last forever but Dr. Neubauer pips notoriously have a very short life span with pips falling off.

Re: Dr. Neubauer Blades : Good ........... Rubbers: Bad

Posted: August 11th, 2022, 1:55 am
by Kiwi P0ng
I hate the fact that Dr. Neubauer refuses to sell rubbers that are not on the ITTF LARC. I read somewheer that they shelved one of their rubbers (1000s of them) because ITTF did not approve, It is as if Dr. Neubauer is terrifed of ITTF despite the fvat that ITTF passed the 1998 Durban Aspect Ratio reduction massacre mostly aimed at Dr. Neubauer & the 2008 Frictionless Pips Ban ONLY aimed at Dr. Neubauer.