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Are purple & blue the best (new) rubber colors for combination bats ?

Posted: August 11th, 2022, 10:41 pm
by Gordie Howe
Purple and black may bethe best colors for combination rackets since they are closest to black.
More players than not (probably more like 80% to 90%) really do NOT look at the rubber color of each oppoennt during each time the ball is struck by the opponent. Except may be few more % look during when an oppoennt serves. And yet robotNazis whine to no end about this as to why they did not see you twiddle the racket as if you commited a major crime, even though IOC's ITTF sort of spoon-feeds them & protects tjem with the two-color rule.

Since the robotNazis are going to whine regardless, you are better off using purple or blue , which are closest to black (based on colors I have seen so far for new color rubbers) :) :idea: :roll: