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Myths (& facts) about spin gluing & spoosting, chemical testing etc in table tennis

Posted: October 11th, 2023, 4:42 am
by Miriama
Myth 1 :- Using non VOC spin glues or spoosters is allowed by ITTF
Fact :- ITTF NEVER stated in its rules, directives or interpretations or whatever (after it passed the rule 2.4.7 in 2008). that it is OK to spoost or spin glue if you use only non VOC spin glues or spoosters. This is just pure disinformation manufactured & propagated by the robotNazis

Myth 2 :- Thickness gauges can detect spoosting & spin gluing
Fact :- Thickness gauges cannot detect spoosting & spin gluing. The thickness gauge only checks for 4.0 mm thickness. But if a rubber is less than 4.0 mm max allowed by ITTF & it is spoosted, then this rubber won't expand past 4.0 mm and would still pass the so-called chemical test. More importantly this does not test for whether there was any spoosting for harmful VOC chemicals. In other words, this is just a fake test invented by ITTF to fool the IOC to claim that ITTF is indeed testing at all levels of the sport. But fact remains that 100% testing does not exist even at higher levels. Even if 100% testing exists at higher levels, then it only implies that only the health of professional athletes is important & health of a low level amateur is not important. Because keep in mind that the PRMARY purpose of chemical testing is NOT performance (though it is also important from the perspective of a level & fair playing field) but the primary purpose of chemical testing is health of all players , officials & spectators

Myth 3 :- Why should the ITTF care what I do with my body ? It is my personal business & nobody else's
Fact :- Sorry NO. Are you allowed to commit slow suicide under the law ? So, you are now allowed under the law to even hurt your own self. But spoosting can also have serious second hand effects of other players , officials . spectators especially children & pregnant women (This is not something I made up but is per statements from former Chairman of ITTF Equipment Committee Dr.Rufford Harrison when he initiated the initial but glue ban of 1995 which he repealed to save his job)

Myth 4 :- Spin glues & boosters are really harmless especially VOC Free. How many people have died ?
Fact :- The problem is more with a much larger % of players who use spoosters & spin glues with VOC. But that is a moot point because even if you use ONLY VOC-free glues you are in violation of Rule 2.4.7 which though it exists PRIMARILY for health reason, it also exists secondarily for performance reasons. When you spoost or spin glue, you gain an unfair unethical performance advantage even over another two winged spinverted looper who is not spin gluing or spoosting. This is far far worse when you consider the excessive performance advantage you gain over players who are not two winged loopers

Myth 5 :- I am only using VOC Free spoosters ? So what is your problem ? There should be no health issues
Fact :- There are many problems
Problem 1. Rule 2.4.7 says you cannot chemically modify the sponge to enhance performance. So when you modify your sponge to enhance your performance , you are cheating. And you are cheating 9 times over because of the 9 rule and regulation changes
Problem 2 :- Just because you use VOC free glue does not mean other spooster cheaters are "health conscious environmentally friendly ethical" cheaters LOL like you. They could be using dangerous homemade concoctions of spoosters & spin glues to endanger themselves, pips players, spectators especially children & pregnant women (not according to me but according to ITTF which they want everyone to forget and just think spoosting is ONLY a performance issue though the original reason was health not performance)
Problem 3 :- Biggest problem is that many chemicals do not affect all humans equally. Some people are far more susceptible than others to chemicals such as nicotine, alcohol, carbon monoxide etc. & there are deaths every day. Claiming that spoosting does not affect anyone else is same as a drunk driver claiming that they can drink a lot more than everyone else and have no issues. Which may even be true, government cannot devise tests to pull up the health history of each drunk person individually and then decide whether to arrest them for a DUI. There most likely have been spin glue related deaths or addictions but are extremely difficult to prove and not documented and swept under the rug. ITTF does not have the legal authority to just ignore these problems just as the government cannot ignore drunken behavior just because only few people have died from car accidents due to drunk drivers