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Myths & Facts about treated pips

Posted: October 17th, 2023, 3:33 am
by Shalani Nirushi
This post is not meant to defend or condone treating pips. Treating pips is wrong and does violate Rule 2.4.7 similar to how spoosting & spin gluing violates Rule 2.4.7 , though spin gluing & spoosting also violates common law. Pips player should use ethical options such as using super pips to openly challenge the ITTF (& force rule & regulation changes) instead breaking rules like spooster cheats in an undetebctable manner. This post only exposes other myths about treated pips

Myth :- Treated pips are rampant in table tennis. Very few players spin glue or spoost
Fact :- The opposite is true. While not many players spin glue after spoosters arrived, spoosting & spin glusing is far more rampant in table tennis in epidemic proportions. Yet the robotNazis (almost all of them spin glue or spoost) are the majority of playing population and constantly & relentlessly engage in disinformation campaign with claims of rampant pips treat cheating. Even if you assume this is true, there exists probably 1 pips treat cheat for every 200 or 300 spooster cheat. This is not hard to understand if you understand the simple fact that majority playing population are robotNazis who control the ITTF.

Myth :- ITTF cares about fairness & diversity in table tennis . That is why they have not banned pips thoughthey easily could.
Fact :- If you neleive that, as yourself this simple question > Who controls all the committees & councils o fthe ITTF ? Is it the robotNazis or pips players ?
And the robotNazi controlled ITTF does not give a damn about diversity and fairplay. They wish all pips players would die. The one & only reason ITTF has not banned pips is because they do not want the pips players to wake up and smell the excrement that is the ITTF and start their own separate association resulting in dilution of absolute control of table tennis by robotNazi controlled ITTF...............just like the robotNazis thretaened to start their own association in 1995 to get the speed glue ban repealed in a matter of months.

Myth :- The 1998 Durban Aspect Ratio Reduction Regulation Massacre saved billions of youth from leaving the sport
Fact :- How ? Are you saying banning TSP Curl P1 protected billions of children though rubbers identical to TSP P1 Curl such as Yasaka Phantom 007 , Double Fish 1615 were left legal & remain legal to this day 25 years later in 2023. 1998 Durban Aspect Ratio Reduction Regulation Massacre was 100% political and had zero technical merit. The only thing it did was to speed up the chopper extermination by banning Feint Long , whcih was used by almost all choppers at pro as well as lower levels with 7 more rule & regulation changes that followed