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UTT 85th India National & Inter-State Table Tennis Championships-2023
Is there some reason for setting up the tables for these tie the way it was ?
They put the length of the table against the width of the court & width of the table against the length of the court. Looks ridiculous
Obviously they played earlier matches with correct court setup LOL
Serious privacy issue at TTFI website
Posted: December 22nd, 2023, 11:10 am
by Kishore M
I was looking at the player entries list for this event.
They are showing actual birthdays of players.
Then I went and looked the player database & they are showing date of birth also.
They used to even show passport numbers and I think they at least discontinued it
This is a serious privacy violation issue
It is not ok to show even the age of a player & it probably can be shown as a range within 5 years or so
This problem is not with TTFI database only and many other national associations make the same mistake
Should institution teams be allowed in inter state event of the National Championships ?
Some institution such as PSPB or RBI always wins the team event. This is not healthy for promoting sports in states especially smaller ones.
There is a separate inter institutional tournament.
So would it be a good idea to allow players to play in only one or the other ?
This would promote more institutions participating in inter institutional tournament.
inter institutional tournaments can have both teams & individual events
But the inter state & individual championships should probably be split into two like the WITTC (World Individual Championships) & WTTTC (World Teams Championships) because two events can accomodate more players. Currently there are too many entries in individual events of national championships
inter institutional tournaments can also have a Master's Division for players over age 40 .
This is in addition to the usual national masters tournamnet.