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Indian men > Stop looking like Chinese penholders

Posted: April 2nd, 2024, 4:55 am
by Googly Galore
Indian men should lose their macho crap & learn from Indian girls who had been well trained by Indian women
Why do Indian men shakehand players with no backhand keep stepping around to play forehandn like a Traditional Penhold grip Chinese player does to mask your weakness , whcih is you have no backhand.
There is nothing to be ashamed in admitting that you have no attacking backhand. Backahnd is the weakside for most humans in any racket sport.
You could be far better with a different style for your backhand such as a schopper or a blocker.
This is especially all the more true of lot of older Indian men who can't even loop (or never learned) on their forehand let alone backhand.

Learn from the Indian junior girls who are revolutionizing table tennis world wide
Lose your useless double inverted racket. And no , illegal boosting is not going to save you either.
Get a proper combination racket with long pips on your backahnd and either inverted or short pips or anti on your forehand & leran to play proper table tennis the futuristic way.

Re: Indian men > Stop looking like Chinese penholders

Posted: April 2nd, 2024, 5:37 am
by Loop 4 ever
Indian men need to earn to loop on their backhand or lose the inverted rubber on their backhand and learn to chop or block instead of living in fantasyland