Hosting a NSGA State Senior Games event
Posted: April 13th, 2024, 1:54 am
State games even in some medium size states do not get that many players in table tennis. So it is not at all difficult hosting a state game event. It is as easy as hosting a weeklly league night.Sardius wrote:Our club has been asked to host the table tennis state games in our state. It’s a lot of work and will take a ton of time. Our club is not as good as most of those that would play in it. We don’t get any money for it and I will be doing the lion’s share of the work. Our club typically has around 12-13 a week, can go up to 20, but we’ve been stuck at this number for a long time (rural area). The main reason I’m thinking about doing it is to help our club, maybe get some new players in, but I don’t know if it will be worth it in the end. Any thoughts?