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Admit it. You can't loop (consistently & powerfully) on your backhand

Posted: May 26th, 2024, 1:19 am
by uninvert
The biggest problem with most dumb racket users is coming out of denial.
Because they have been brainwashed so long and so hard by the robotNazis into belieing that something is wrong with you unless you use a dumb racket.
Can you loop with your backhand ? I mean REALLY loop on your backhand ? I am not talking about your being a one shot womder who can loop like 1 out of 20 balls on your backhand but fancy yourself to be a Rosskopf or Karakasavic or Kreanga ?

Perform an homset objective self evaluation of your backhand game using inverted rubber. Admit it.
You suck using inverted.
But no worries. You probably are a born blocker or a born chopper.
But the biggest problem is being in denial & admitting it.
There is no shae in not being able to loop on your backhand. Probably 90% humans cannot loop consistently on backhand but the robotNazi controlled ITTF has brainwashed you into thinking that you can be a good backhand looper. Wake up. Face the truth.
There is no shame in being a blocker or chopper (by choosing the rubbers for that) but robotNazi controlled ITTF does not want you to use rubers best for your style & had been shaming the pips / anti players for more than at least 30 years

Re: Admit it. You can't loop (consistently & powerfully) on your backhand

Posted: May 26th, 2024, 1:36 am
by Jameisop
Most amateurs cannot loop consistently & powerfully even on their forehand LOL