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Re:List of "long" pips blockers

Posted: July 7th, 2024, 1:37 am
by George77
glennholder wrote: on Saturday, 06 July 2024, 15:32

Wow this is extemely complicated!!

I'm not really quite understanding what you said. I'm thinking you are saying that the ITTF chose to only allow pips rubbers that have more friction. Is this correct?

Many of Olivier Mader's videos on Youtube were videoed from 2010 to 2015. I had communicated with him at that time and he was using Tibhar Grass D.TecS Ox. You probably already know this. Rumours were that he was very good at stretching the rubber after placing it in a microwave, and that gave the pips more effect. I don't know if that is true.

Thanks for your input!
Dear GlennHolder,
“Are you talkin’ to me“ (Taxi Driver)
It seemed so, because VanJr said nothing in this thread except just “ Mader” and then DOXXed me hoping that it would elevate him to a mob figure cyberbully status with the likes of Rev. Larry Hodges & to a lesser extent (because Rev. Hodges is in a class all by himself, when it comes to cyberbullying) Larry’s cult groupies Iskandar Taib, Baal, Rob M, Der_Echte, NextLevel etc
But you are right , yes , the robotNazi controlled ITTF has been running complex scams regarding its 3 of 4 rubber types (boosted inverted, slim pips & wide pips). It is all discussed elsewhere in detail