Treated (cured) rubbers that your mother warned you about - Now available in USA on eBay

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Treated (cured) rubbers that your mother warned you about - Now available in USA on eBay

Post by Ningad »

I am NOT recommending these products because they are treated.
I believe it becomes not ITTF approved if they are treated to modify properties after ITTF approval. But almost all these have ITTF logo. So it is between you & ITTF
Just an FYI but may or may not be for entertainment purposes only

Click on links below to view product on eBay

Saviga V Thunder Lei Version Table Tennis Cured Long Pimples Rubber

Solidified Yinhe Leileilei VIP Long Pimples Table Tennis Rubber

Cured version of Saviga V

Saviga V Swing It says cured in description

Milky Way 955 Cured

Milky Way Yinhe Huang JiaJiang 955 Special

I do not know if the two below are cured but it says special Zhou Xintong version
Green Rubber
Pink Rubber

Not cured 388 D2 blue

388 D1 It says Provincial version Do not know the difference
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